The Process

Step 1: 60-Minute Meeting

This is a complimentary no pressure 60-minute session.  It consists of sharing of mission and values, our tools, and process cycle to determine if we are the right fit for your needs.

Step 2: Challenge Day

Challenge Day is the starting process follow-up meeting with leadership and decision makers charting perceived challenges and concentrated areas of inefficiency.

Step 3: Trigger Sensing

Trigger Sensing begins the  quantitative and qualitative data collection of trigger points, environmental disruption to teamwork, and inconsistency.

Step 4: Back Brief

Back Brief provides data analysis and future focus points, proposed strategy, and 1 to 3-year plan of action.

Step 5: 90 Day Monthly Touch

Monthly Touch follows the start and implementation of the proposed strategy.

Step 6: Quaterly Trajectory

Quarterly Trajectory examines the most current course of action and the next step.

Empower. Inspire.

Empower. Inspire.

Breaking Barriers, Building Success

    We have reached a cultural tipping point in the workplace, driven by public attitude shifts on employment policies, blurred lines between work and home life, and generational differences in the expectations of work itself. It is no longer “enough” for employers to satisfy customers or appease shareholders; they must also become and remain good corporate citizens. Nowhere is it more important for employers to be good citizens than in the workplace itself, and there is no greater lever than the relationship between “People Managers” and their employees.

    Johnny C. Taylor, Jr.

    President and CEO, SHRM